Saturday, April 30, 2011

Approaching the big #1!

What can I say... School started and my life became super busy! Presley is approaching 1 already! I can't believe how fast time flies. I have been busy making a lot of her birthday decorations! I just need to finish up a few last minute things for the party. We are looking forward to my Aunt coming in from Michigan and being with all of the family for her big 1st birthday!

Easter was a blast! We took Presley to her grandparents neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt and Presley found the "golden egg". She won lots of prizes! We had such a great time!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Presley 10 weeks (Pool, Check-up, School)

Presley is a WATER BABY! Alex and I took her to the swimming pool for the first time last weekend and she loved it! She floated around and relaxed as we pushed her around in her little floaty! She found the water to be relaxing and refreshing! We are going to try to take her more often in the evening when it is not as hot!!! I posted a cute photo of her relaxing in the pool.

Presley had her 2 month (really 10 weeks) checkup and shots today. She weighed 12 lbs, 8 oz and measured 23.5inches in length. She is in the 75th percentile for both her weight and length. Her head measured 15 inches which is in the 25th percentile. She is getting so big so fast! She was such an angel at the doctors office. The poor angel was given 4 shots; I could barely stand it!

She also started school at ABC Academy this past Monday. It was so difficult to drop her off and leave. It was by far the most difficult thing I have ever had to do. I think I hung out for a good thirty minutes before I left. I even went out and came back in to check on her again and gave the excuse that I left my keys. I cried all the way to my teacher workshop. It was such a hard day. It has been getting easier each day since I have noticed how much attention they are giving her. Every time before entering the room I I look in to see the teachers holding and loving on her. It makes me happy to see that they love her too! :0)

Monday, July 12, 2010

Presley's 6 Week Drs Visit... 7.7.10

Presley and I both had Dr.'s visits last Wednesday. Good news for me!! My blood pressure had returned to normal! My Dr is absolutely wonderful! She gave me the o.k. to start exercising, etc! She even gave me this little personalized abc block for Presley. It is a block with the letter "P" and then it has all of her birth information on it!

Presley weighs 9lbs 13oz at her 6wk apt. She is growing and catching up with all the other little babies! :0) She received one shot (Hep B) in the was so hard to watch! She had the most confused/shocked facial expression (like mommy why are you letting this lady hurt me?) I think I actually cried! We go back in four weeks and and she will be receiving 4 MORE shots! I can't go alone this time...I am going to ask Alex to come with me. I think it is more painful for me than her!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Our New Addition

So..this is my first experience with a blog. I have always liked to why not! I just became a new mommy last month and thought it would be neat to journal about my beautiful little girl Presley Lynn and all of the new things I am encountering as a mom.

Presley Lynn Holmes was born on May 26th, 2010 at 10:05pm, weighing 5lbs 7oz and 20.5inches long. I was induced at 37 wks & 2 days due to finding out I had a condition preclampsia/toxemia and blood pressure issues. I was very shocked and surprised to find out all of this news because I had a very healthy and virtually problem free pregnancy up to about 35-36 wks!

It was a traumatic experience for me... I was on strong medication that was making me ill, and when it came time to push I went for the vomit bag because I was so nervous! Presley came out with the cord wrapped around her neck twice and she was not crying. All I heard was gasps and my husband say OMG...The dr said shshhh! Presley was tiny and take away straight to NICU. This is something that we were definitely not prepared for. We were all so scared. Luckily, she came back within about 45 min and she was healthy. When I finally got to hold my precious little girl for the first time it was amazing. She was and is so beautiful!

After few sleepless nights at the hospital we came home! Presley was a little under 5 lbs when we left the hospital. When we got home we basically force fed her every 2 hrs to make sure she gained an adequate amount of weight because we were so worried. By our 1wk checkup she had surpassed her birth weight! Yay! 5lbs 11oz!

Presley is now 5 wks old today and doing wonderful! She wakes up about 2 times each night for feedings and is eating about 4-6 oz every 3-4 hrs! She did have a fussy/gassy spell but we have switched her formula to a more sensitive one and she is doing much better. Alex and I are loving being parents! He always tells me every morning how hard it is to leave us each day when he goes to work! I am so lucky to have the whole summer off to spend with my little one! I am going to sob when it comes time to go back to school in August! :0(